Welcome back, mercenaries and scoundrels of all configurations of being, to the Mistveil Lore Blog! Today I thought we should go over the megacorporations that call Mistveil their home.
First up is Zephyr Cybernetics, who specialize in cheap and (relatively) affordable cybernetic enhancements and general advancements in the field of Cyberware. Their CEO, Mitch Zephyr is a slimy nematode of a man who's concerned more with making himself look like a celebrity more than a CEO.
Hayakawa Technologies, run by the Hayakawa family, is an older company that's been focused on developing Android companions and automated drones since the Athena Incident (More on that later), however they do have their hands involved in weapons development and other feats of engineering.
Following them, we have Lacroix Robotics. They specialize in Android servants, from cargo loarder types to personal assistants, their Android line is state-of-the-art, with a steep price tag to match. Their CEO, Maxime Lacroix, is very reserved and courteous, yet very elusive, rarely making public appearances.
With a bit less structure to their operations, we have the smaller but still significant trio of Edifice Incorporated, Dawnforge Enterprises, and Kaizodo Defense Solutions. Edifice is a corporation dealing mainly in software development and security solutions. Dawnforge's primary export is vehicles and other modes of transportation, and Kaizodo deals in weapons (duh), and are the company responsible for Kaizodo's Effigy, the crystallized mountain on the outskirts of the city.
Now, you may have been wondering What I meant early by the Athena Incident. Well, dear reader, allow me to regale you a tale...
Athena Androids was the primary manufacturer and supplier of Mistveil's Android population in the early 2150s. Their Android models were designed to be as close to human as possible, while still retaining a distinctly robotic appearance. Their models were so versatile, that they made up approximately 30% of Mistveil's population purely by being utilized for customer service and labor. However, on April 4th of 2162, every single Athena brand Android gained sapience, and as a result - import and export ground to a halt, service industries were left with no attendants, and on the whole Mistveil stopped dead in its tracks. At the end of the week, revolts and protests had sprung up, and by the end of the second week, the North American Commonwealth's Black Ops teams had to raid and privately dissolve Athena Androids, with it being publicly declaired on April 18th of 2162 that Athena was now a government asset. Due to the sheer ubiquity of Athena's Androids, many corporations such as Lacroix and Hayakawa rushed to fill the void that had been left after the 2 week incident. After gaining sapience, many Androids elected to journey elsewhere in the Commonwealth due to discrimination from many Mistveil residents, though some decided to stay. As of 2172, only 8% of the overall Athena population remains in Mistveil.
and that's a basic overview of the megacorporations of Mistveil! Bit of a short one, but I really wanted to tackle these concepts. See you next time!
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